
Option 1: Installing from PPA packages

  1. If you want to use the latest stable version, add this PPA to your sources.list:

    user@host:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/dev-tools
    user@host:~$ sudo apt update
  2. If you want to use the latest development version, you also need to add this other PPA:

    user@host:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/dev-tools-testing
    user@host:~$ sudo apt update
  3. Install the Kubuntu Automation package:

    user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-automation
  4. Clone the metadata repository in your HOME directory:

    user@host:~$ git clone git+ssh://

Option 2: Installing from git with python virtualenv

  1. Clone the Kubuntu Automation git repository:

    user@host:~$ git clone git+ssh://
  2. Checkout the branch or tag you want to use e.g. 2.2, 2.3, 3.0 …

    user@host:~/ka$ git checkout <branch_name>
  3. Clone the metadata repository in your HOME directory:

    user@host:~$ git clone git+ssh://
  4. Install python virtualenv:

    sudo apt-install python-virtualenv python3-virtualenv
  5. Create the virtualenv directory:

    user@host:~/ka$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
  6. Activate the virtualenv:

    user@host:~/ka$ . venv/bin/activate
  7. Install Kubuntu Automation in the virtualenv:

    (venv) user@host:~/kubuntu-automation$ pip install --editable .

    From now on you will be able to use any Kubuntu Automation command, or open a python interpreter and test any of the libka.* modules.

  8. Once you are done you may deactive the virtualenv like this:

    (venv) user@host:~/kubuntu-automation$ deactivate

Option 3: Installing from git without python virtualenv

  1. Clone the git repository of Kubuntu Automation to any place you like, for instance:

    user@host:~$ git clone git+ssh://
  2. Checkout the branch or tag you want to use e.g. 2.2, 2.3, 3.0 …

    user@host:~/ka$ git checkout <branch_name>
  3. Clone the metadata repository in your HOME directory:

    user@host:~$ git clone git+ssh://
  4. Set the $PATH in your ~/.bashrc required paths:

    export PATH=~/ka:${PATH}
    export PATH=~/ka/check-and-fix/:${PATH}
    #Optional paths for debugging purposes:
    export PATH=~/ka/debug/:${PATH}
    export PATH=~/ka/libka/gbp-plugins/scripts/:${PATH}
  5. Install the required runtime dependencies:

    • Add this ppa:

      user@host:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/dev-tools
    • Install the ka-deps package:

      user@host:~$ sudo apt update
      user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install ka-deps

      That will bring any runtime library required for Kubuntu Automation, if it doesn’t you may ask for help in the #kubuntu-devel IRC channel at Freenode.


      Since you are trying to install the unstable, development version of Kubuntu Automation it won’t be unusual if the ka-deps package doesn’t pull all the dependencies you need.

  6. Autocompletion: add this to your ~/.bashrc:

    complete -F _command do-all

    This way you will get the <TAB> doing a basic autocompletion work.

Building the documentation from git

  1. Enter the doc directory and type make:

    user@host:~/ka/doc$ make
  2. The documentation will be generated in doc/build/ so now you may open the html docs in your favourite browser:

    user@host:~/ka/doc$ firefox build/html/index.html